Chaos is all around us, thanks to the overwhelming nature of the holiday season. We rejoice in this holiday,  relax during those precious days off, and open gifts and be merry with all of our friends and family. But in the days before – chaos is what we are handed.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m so excited about the holiday. Ben is spending it with my crazy-loveable families, and in preparation there has been endless time spent in the kitchen, making last second store runs to get what I had forgotten or run out of and a dog dutifully laying at the edge of the kitchen prepped and ready to pounce on any crumb that fell to the ground.
On any given workday I rise well before the sun comes up and graces God’s green earth with it’s warmth and light…4:20 to be precise. And although I had today off, my mental alarm clock woke me up and refused to relent and let me fall back asleep. An hour later, I gave up, got up and got ready for the day. By 6 am the oven was on, the mixer was working it’s little motor out and I was creating disasters…
My cashew crusted eggnog cheesecake turned to soup in the pan, because the hot water bath it was supposed to sit in was not as water tight as it should have been. The red velvet cakes are hard on the edges, the mousse for the red velvet cakes is not smooth, the icing is too thin, and I”m not currently as we speak baking the second eggnog cheesecake in hopes that ONE thing today will go right…
I don’t ask for much this Christmas season, good will towards men, blessings for everyone and for my Baking to turn out properly!! Give me serenity, Please?! Or, a really strong drink.